في فجرِ عينيك التي ناديتها يتخمّرُ الكرمُ غلالْ
في رمش عينيك أذوب و إنني
ألفُ سؤالٍ
أو سؤالْ...!!
في رمش عينيكِ نبيذٌ هدَّني
ويردُّ عينيَّ نجوماً ...
في الدروبِ وفي الجبالْ
لا أنتِ سرٌّ في الدِّما
هاتي على خمرٍ دلالْ
بل هاتِهِ السُّمَّ الذي
كان يناغيني عُضالْ
في فجر عينيك التي راودتها
جاءَ نبيٌّ زارني
يتورّد الخدَّ هلالْ
في فجر عينيك سيوفٌ رادوت
قلبي على وقعِ النصالْ
لاترمِ قلبي بالسيوفِ تقطعت
إني اليك عاشقٌ
شدعلى شغفٍ رحالْ
في فجر جفنيكِ نبيٌّ زارني
ورمي بعينيكِ ظباءً
أو أيالْ
ها جفنكِ ردَّ النجوم مسائلاً :
هل أنتِ تكوينُ المُحَالْ
في فجر عينيك نبيٌّ زارني
و توكأ الجفن بدوراً
أو هلالْ ...!!
*سهيل أحمد درويش
Blow your eyes ...!
At the break of your eyes that you called
The vineyard ferments fruit
In your eyes I melt and I am
A thousand questions
Or a question ... !!
In your eyes there is wine that calmed me
And my eyes turn stars ...
In the paths and in the mountains
No, you are a secret in blood
Come on, an indication of wine
Rather, this is the poison that
He was crying out to me
At the dawn of your eyes that haunted her
A prophet came and visited me
The cheek is flushed by a crescent
At the dawn of your eyes are swords of Radot
My heart is on the beat of the arrow
Do not throw my heart with swords that have broken off
I am in love with you
I had a passion that traveled
At the dawn of your eyelids a prophet visited me
And throw your eyes on a gazelle
Or Eyal
Here is your eyelid, the stars answered, asking:
Are you the assignee configuration?
At the dawn of your eyes a prophet visited me
And the eyelid receded, in turn
Or Hilal ... !!
The vineyard ferments fruit
In your eyes I melt and I am
A thousand questions
Or a question ... !!
In your eyes there is wine that calmed me
And my eyes turn stars ...
In the paths and in the mountains
No, you are a secret in blood
Come on, an indication of wine
Rather, this is the poison that
He was crying out to me
At the dawn of your eyes that haunted her
A prophet came and visited me
The cheek is flushed by a crescent
At the dawn of your eyes are swords of Radot
My heart is on the beat of the arrow
Do not throw my heart with swords that have broken off
I am in love with you
I had a passion that traveled
At the dawn of your eyelids a prophet visited me
And throw your eyes on a gazelle
Or Eyal
Here is your eyelid, the stars answered, asking:
Are you the assignee configuration?
At the dawn of your eyes a prophet visited me
And the eyelid receded, in turn
Or Hilal ... !!
Suhail Ahmed Darwish*
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