اعلان >> المصباح للنشر الإلكتروني * مجلة المصباح ـ دروب أدبية @ لنشر مقالاتكم وأخباركم الثقافية والأدبية ومشاركاتكم الأبداعية عبر أتصل بنا العناوين الإلكترونية التالية :m.droob77@gmail.com أو أسرة التحرير عبر إتصل بنا @

لماذا نكتب؟

نكتب لأننا نطمح فى الأفضل دوما.. نكتب لأن الكتابة حياة وأمل.. نكتب لأننا لا نستطيع ألا نفعل..

نكتب لأننا نؤمن بأن هناك على الجانب الآخر من يقرأ .. نكتب لأننا نحب أن نتواصل معكم ..

نكتب لأن الكتابة متنفس فى البراح خارج زحام الواقع. نكتب من أجلك وربما لن نعرفك أبدأ..

نكتب لأن نكون سباقين في فعل ما يغير واقعنا إلى الأفضل .. نكتب لنكون إيجابيين في حياتنا..

نكتب ونكتب، وسنكتب لأن قدر الأنسان العظيم فى المحاولة المرة تلو الأخرى بلا توان أو تهاون..

نكتب لنصور الأفكار التي تجول بخاطرنا .. نكتب لنخرجها إلى حيز الذكر و نسعى لتنفيذها

أخبارالثقاقة والأدب

قَصَصُ الْقُرْآنِ الْكَرِيم | قِصَّـةُ قَارُونْ ...*للشاعر محسن عبد المعطي محمد عبد ربه

إِنَّ قَارُونَ- صِحَابِي- =كَانَ مِـــنْ قَوْمِ الْكَلِيمْ{1}
قَدْ بَغَـى وَالْـبَغْـيُ وَحْشٌ=فِي فِنَا اللَّيْلِ الْبَهِيمْ{2}

يَكْنِزُ الْمَالَ اشْتِيَاقاً=لِلْعُلاَ فَوْقَ النُّجُومْ
كُلُّ أَسْبَابِ السَّعَادَةْ=قَدْ أَتَـتْهُ مِنْ كَرِيمْ
فَـيَفِيضُ الْخَـيْـرُ فَيْضاً=بِالْهَـنَاءِ الْمُسْـتَدِيمْ
يَقْطِفُ الْخَـيْرَاتِ قَطْفاً=مِنْ أَزَاهِيرِ النَّعِيمْ
وَصَلَ الذِّرْوَةَ{3}فِيهِ=طَارَ فِيهَا كَالنَّسِيم
أَتَخَـيَّلْتُمْ- صِحَابِي- مَا لَدَيْهِ مِنْ خَزَائِنْ؟!!!
كَمْ تُرَى مَا كَانَ فِيهَا=مِنْ نُقُودٍ وَلَدَائِنْ{4}؟!!!
اَلْمَفَاتِـيحُ تَنُوءْ{5}=بِرِجَالٍ أَقْوِيَاءْ
مَا عَرَاهُ{6} مَا يَسُوءْ=وَاسْـتَوَى فَوْقَ الْبِنَاءْ
وَاعْتَلَى عَرْشَ الْغُرُورْ=لَمْ يَخَـفْ سُوءَ الْمَصِـيرْ
عَاشَ فِي قَلْبِ السُّـرُورْ=نَاعِماً بَـيْـنَ الـقُصُورْ
لَمْ يُفَكِّرْ فِي فَقِيرٍ=عَاشَ فِي نَارِ الْهَـجِيرْ{7}
أَوْ يَتِيمٍ قَدْ تَوَلَّى=يَائِسَ النَّفْسِ كَسِيرْ
قَـدْ تَوَفَّى وَالِدَاهُ=وَهْوَ فِي الْمَهْدِ{8}صَغِيرْ
قَوْمُهُ قَدْ نَصَحُوهْ=هَـمُّـهُـمْ أَنْ يُنْقِذُوهْ
فَرْحَةُ الْأَمْوَالِ تُطْغِي=وَتُثِيرُ الْحَاقِدِينْ
فَأَنِـبْ لِلَّهِ {9} وَامْسَحْ=دَمْعَةً لِلْبَائِسِينْ
وَابْتَغِ{10}الْفَوزَ الْكَبِيرْ=عِنْدَهُ يَوْمَ النُّشُورْ{11}
وَاعْمَلِ الْخَـيْرَ تَجِدْهُ=فِي ضُحَى الْيَوْمِ الْعَسِيرْ{12}
يَوْمَ لاَ يَنْفَعُ مَالٌ=يَا- صَدِيقِي- أَوْ بَنُونْ
كَثْرَةُ الْمَالِ ابْتِلاَءٌ{13}=فَانْتَبِهْ أَنْتَ الْفَطِينْ{14
وَادَّخِرْهُ عِنْدَ رَبٍّ=يَحْـتَفِي بِالْمُحْسِنِينْ
وَاسْعَ فِي الدُّنْيَـا لِرِزْقٍ=طَـيِّـبٍ عِنْدَ {الْمُعِينْ}
وَأَعِنْ كُلَّ فَقِيـرٍ= أََسْعِدَنْ قَلْبَ الْحَزِينْ
قَالَ: أُوتِيتُ الْكُنُوزْ=حَـيْثُ أَنَّ الْعِلْمَ عِنْدِي
وَأَنَا الْآنَ أَحُوزْ=كُلَّ أَمْوَالِي بِكَدِّي{15}
مَنْ أَتَانِي لِأُجِيزْ=صَدَقَاتِي نَـالَ صَدِّي
ذَاكَ أَمْـرٌ لاَ يَجُوزْ=لَيْسَ فِي الْأَكْوَانِ نِدِّي{16}
إِنَّنِي أَجْدَرُ مِنْكُمْ{17}=بِامْـتِلاَكِ الْمَالِ وَحْدِي
فَـأَنَا الْأَحْسَنُ شَكْلَا=وَأَنـَا الْأَرْجَحُ عَقْلاَ
وَأَنَا الْأَصْوَبُ رَأْيَا=وَأَنَا الْأَكْثَرُ نَأْيَا{18}

عَنْكُمُ يَا فُقَرَاءْ=فَـاقْطَعُوا دَرْبَ الشَّقَاءْ{19}
قَوِّمُوا مُعْوَجَّكُمْ=وَاسْـتَعِيدُوا رُشْدَكُمْ
وَاسْتَرِدُّوا نُصْحَكُمْ=وَانْصَحُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ
زَادَ فِي إِيلاَمِهِمْ=مُسْرِفاً فِي كَيْدِهِمْ
خَارِجاً فِي زِينَتِهْ=رَافِلاً فِي حُـلَّتِهْ{20}
رَاكِباً أَحْسَنَ مَرْكَبْ=بِغُرُورِ النَّــــفْسِ مُعْجَـبْ
حَوْلَهُ الْخُدَّامُ سَارُوا=لِغِنَاهُ قَدْ أَشَارُوا
وَرَأَى الْمُسْتَضْعَفُونْ=مَوْكِباً مِلْءَ الْعُيُونْ
حَـزَّ فِي بَعْضِ النُّفُوسْ= أَنْ يَرَوْهُ فِي النَّعِيمْ
حَائِزاً كُلَّ نَفِيسْ=فَرَمَاهُمْ فِي الصَّمِيمْ
وَهُـــمُ بَـيْـنَ تَعِيسْ=وَفَقِيرٍ وَسَقِيمْ
عَادَهُمْ ضَنْكٌ{21}شَدِيدْ=مِثْلُ نِيرَانِ الْجَحِيمْ
وَتَمَنَّوْا أَنْ يَكُونُوا=مِثْلَ {قَارُونَ}اللَّئِيمْ
وَرَأَوْهُ فِي غِنَاهُ=فَازَ بِالْحَظِّ الْعَظِيمْ
رَدَّ صَوْتُ الْعُلَمَاءْ=وَيْلُ كُلِّ الْأَغْبِياءْ
فَثَوَابُ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ=لِلْعِبَادِ الْأَتْقِيَاءْ
وَجِنَانُ اللَّهِ تَهْوَى=صَابِراً عِنْدَ الْبَلاَءْ{22}
خَسَفَ اللَّهُ بِدَارِهْ=وَبِهِ الْأَرْضَ كَعِبْرَةْ{23}
مَالَهُ وَقْتَ دَمَارِهْ=فِـئَــةٌ{24} تُهْــدِيهِ نُصْرَةْ
نَدِمَ الْمُسْتَضْعَفُونْ=وَرَأَوْا كَـيْـفَ يَكُونْ
أَمْرَ مَنْ يَعْصِي{الْمَـتِينْ}={رَازِقَ الْخَـلْقِ}{الْمُعِينْ}
حَمَدُوا رَبَّ الْعِبَادْ=أَنْ هَدَاهُمْ لِلسَّدَادْ
وَوَقَاهُمْ مِنْ نِهَـايَةْ=أَصْبَحَتْ لِلْخَـلْقِ آيَةْ{25}
تِلْكَ دَارُ الْآخِرَةْ=لِلنُّفُوسِ الصَّابِرَةْ
أُنْسُهُمْ لِلْـمُـتَوَاضِـعْ=نُورُهُـــمْ فِي الْكَوْنِ سَـاطِعْ
لاَ يُرِيدُونَ عُلُوَّا=وَفَسَاداً وَعُتُوَّا{26}
أَخَذُوا التَّقْوى طَرِيقَا=لِلْمَعَالِي وَرَفِيقَا
فَهُمُ مِثْلُ الْكَوَاكِبْ=وَلَهُـمْ أَحْـلَى الْعَوَاقِبْ{27}

1- الْكَلِيمْ: مُوسَى عَليْهِ السَّلاَم كَلِيمُ اللَّهْ.
2- لَيْلٌ بَهِيمْ:لاَ ضَوْءَ فِيهِ إِلَى الصَّبَاحْ.
3- ذِرْوَةُ النَّعِيمْ:أَعْلاَهْ(اَلْجَمْعُ)ذُراً.
4- اَللَّدِينَةْ:مَادَّةٌ مَرِنَةٌ تَقْـبَلُ التَّشَكُّلْ{اَلْجَــمْعُ}لَـدَائِــنْ.
5- تَنُوءْ بِهِمْ:يَـثْـقُلُ عَلَيْهِمْ حَمْـلُهَا فَتُمِيلُهُمْ.
6- مَا عَرَاهْ: مَا أَصَابَهْ.
7- اَلْهَـجِـيـرْ:نِصْفُ النَّهَارِ فِي الْقَيظِ خَاصَّةْ.
8- اَلْمَهْدِ:اَلسَّرِيرُ يُهَـيَّـأُ لِلصَّبِيِّ وَيُوَطَّـأُ لِيَنَامَ فِيهِ {اَلْجَــمْعُ}مُهُودْ.
9- فَأَنِـبْ لِلَّهْ:تُبْ وَارْجِعْ.
10- اِبْتَغِ:اُطْلُبْ.
11- يَوْمَ النـُّشُورْ: يَوْمَ الْبَعْثْ.
12- اَلْيَوْمِ الْعَسِيرْ: اَلْيَوْمِ الصَّعْبْ.
13- اِبْــتِـــــلاَءْ:اِخْتِبَارْ.
14- اَلْفَطِينْ:ذُو الْفِطْـنَةِ وَهِيَ الْحِذْقُ وَالْمَهَارَةْ.
15- كَدَّ فُلاَنٌ كَدًّا:اِجْتَهَدَ فِي الْعَمَلِ وَأَلَحَّ فِيهْ.
16- نِدِّي:مِثْلِي وَنَظِيرِي.
17- أَجْـدَرُ مِنْكُمْ:أَحَقْ.
18- نَأْيَا:بُعْدَا.
19- دَرْبُ الشَّقَاءْ:طَرِيقُهْ.
20- اَلْحُلَّةْ:الثَّوْبُ الْجَيِّدُ الْجَدِيدُ غَلِيظاً أَوْ رَقِيقاً وَكَانَتْ عِنْدَ الْعَرَبِ تَتَكَوَّنُ مِنْ
21- قَمِيصٍ وَإِزَارٍ وَرِدَاءٍ..وَالْحُلَّةُ:الْبَدْلَةْ {اَلْجَمْعُ} حُلَلْ.
22- عَادَهُمْ ضَنْكٌ:زَارَهُمْ ضِيقٌ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْءْ.
23- تُؤْثِرُ:تُفَضِّلُ.
24- اَلْبَلَاءْ:الْمِحْنَةُ تَنْزِلُ بِالْمَرْءْ.
25- فِئَةٌ:فِرْقَةْ.
26- عِبْرَةْ:عِظَةْ.
27- آيَةْ:عِبْرَةْ.
28- عُتُوَّا:اِسْتِكْبَارَا.
29- اَلْعَاقِبَةْ:اَلْجَزَاءُ بِالْخَيْرِ وَ اَلْعَاقِبَةُ:آخِرُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ أَوْ خَاتِمَـتُهُ, وَ اَلْعَاقِبَةُ:مَصِيرُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ, وَمِنْهُ: عَوَاقِبُ الْأُمُور.

The Poet and the Novelist: Mohsin Abd Almoty Muhammad Abd Raboh.. POET WORLD
O my friends; indeed; Kaaroon was from people of the spokesman (1).
He has already wronged; and the wrong is a monster;
in a courtyard of the jet –black night (2)
He was Harding the wealth longing
To the height above the stars.
All reasons of the happiness;
Have already come to him from the Generous Allah.
Then the wealth was running over abundance;
With the continual pleasure.
He was plucking the wealth like the bunch;
From flowers of theease.
He reached to the acme at it. . (3)
He flied on the top like the zephyr


Did you fancy; O my friends;

which He was having from treasuries?!

How much money and soft materials (4) which His treasuries were having.


The keys weigh down (5) strongmen.

Kaaroon doesn't happen to Him (6) which grive Him;

And became straight above the building.

He ascended throne of the conceit;

And doesn't apprehend evil of the destination.

He lived in heart of the pleasure;

And was tranquil between the castles.

He doesn't think in pauper;

Who lived in fire of meridional heat (7)?
Or fatherless has already run away;
And was despairing of the soul and sorry.
His parents has already expired

And he was small in the cradle. (8)
Caaroon's people have already advised Him
Their intention was to deliver Him.
Joy of the moneyis transpassing;
And blowing up the malevolents.
Your saviour eternal Lord;
Love the glads. Doesn't
Then turn back to Allah (9) and wipe off;
Tear drop to the wretcheds.
And wish for (10) the big triumph;

Near Him in the day of resurrection.(11)
And make the good; you will find it;

In forenoon of the difficult day. (12)

The day when wealth won't avail;

; O my friend; or children.

Multiplicity of the wealth is test ;( 13)

Then notice; you are the sagacious. (14)
And save it near Lord;
Who is welcoming by the charitables?
And walk; in the world; for good livelihood near to the Assistant.
And support every poor.
Make the heart of the grieved happy.
Kaaroon said:"I'm given the treasures; whereas I have the knowledge.
And I'm; now; possessing;

All of My money by my exertion ;( 15)
Who come to me to allow my charities I shall give him my hindering
That matter is not allowable;
They are not like me (16) in the worlds.
I'm the worthiest among you all (17) by acquisition of I'm wealth alone.
Then I'm the most beautiful form;
The most probable brain;
The most unerring opinion;

And the most plentiful remoteness (18)
Concerning you; o pauper.

Then cross away of the unhappiness ;( 19)
Reform you're indirect;
Call back your consciousness;
Get back your counsel
And advise your selves.
Kaaroon augmented in their affliction;
He was lavish in their resentment;
Going out in his ornament;

Trailer in his uniform ;( 20)
Riding I'm the most beautiful carriage and conceited by deception of his soul;
The servants walked around Him;
They have already pointed his affluence;
And the weaklies saw aprocession
Which was a fill of the eyes?
Some of the souls notched in them
To see him in the ease
And He was possesser of every precious
Then He threw them in the in-most soul;
And they were between miserable;
Poor and lean;

Keen straits called on them (21)

Like hell fire;

And they desired to be

Like Kaaroon the meau.

They saw Him in his wealth

Who triumphed over the great luck?


Sound of the scientists replied:

"Woe to all of the stupids

Then recompense of Allah is good

To the pious servants;

And the paradises of Allah honour (22)

Patient on the tribulation ;( 23)


Allah collapsed the land by Him and His house; and made Him a warning ;( 24) in the time of His devastate; he doesn't find category (25) which present Him victory;

The weaklies repented

And they saw how is

Matter of who disobey the Strong;

Provider of the creatures; the Assistant?!!

They praised Lord of the servants

Because He guided them to the consciousness

And preserved them from the extreme

Which came to be token (26) to the creatures; ***

That is a house of the future life

To the patient souls;

Their good-fellowship is to the humble;

Their light is effulgent in the world;

They don't want altitude;

Immorality and tyranny;

They took the fear of God which is a way and a companion to the eminence;

Then they are similar to the planets;

And the sweetest termination (28) is to them.



1-The spokesman: Moses (May the peace of Allah be upon Him) who is the spokesman of Allah.

2- The jet –black night: Is which doesn't have light to the morning.

3- Acme of the ease: The highest of it. (The plural): Acmes.

4- The soft material: Is a flexible material which accepts the diversifying (The plural): The soft materials.

5- The keys weigh down them: The keys are heavy on them.

6- Doesn't happen to Him: Doesn't befall Him.

7- The meridional heat: Is mid day in the scorching heat of summer specially.

8- The cradle: The bed is prepared and paved for lad to sleep at it.

9- Turn back to Allah: Turn from sin and go back.

10- Wish for: Look for.

11- The day of resurrection: The day of resurgence.

12- The difficult day: The hard day.

13- Test: Examination.

14- The sagacious: possessor of the sagacity and it is the acumen; dexterity;cleverness and skill.

15-Muhammad toiled; labour: He became stranger; intense or violent in the work and importuned it.

16- Like me: similar to me.

17- The worthiest among you all: The most deserving of you.

18- Remoteness: Farness.

19- Away of the unhappiness: Its passage.

20- Theuniform: The new good garb which is thick or thin (fine) and itwas at the Arabs be made up of shirt wrapper and mantle; and the uniform: suit of clothes; (The plural): Theuniforms.

21- Straits called on them: Afflict from every thing visited them.
22-Honour: Respect.
23- The tribulation: The Affliction which is falling upon the man.
24: A warning: A lesson.
25: Category: Detachment; company; group; troupe; party; set.
26- Token: Example.
27- Tyranny: Arrogance; Pride; Haughtiness; Insolence; greatness.

28- The termination: Is the reward by the good; and the termination: Is limit of every thing or its conclusion; and the termination: Is destination of every thing; And from it: Terminations of the affairs.
The Poet and the Novelist: Mohsin Abd Almoty Muhammad Abd Raboh

*محسن عبد المعطي محمد عبد ربه.

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